Saturday, September 1, 2012

What "Course" to Take?

The questions that need to be answered are... was this course chosen by me to take or was it a requirement and what do I hope to learn from this course? I guess it all depends on the way you look at it. So to give you a better understanding of my situation and why I am here lets take a look back into my past.

For the past 9 years I have been trying to work my way up the ladder at work with no college degree. I have had some great accomplishments, but the lime light would always shine down on the fact that I don't have "that" degree. I'm told it doesn't matter what kind of degree you have as long as you have one. I have always tossed around the idea of going back to school, but I would always use the excuse "I don't have the time"; I am already working full time, raising 2 young children and my husband travels for work so he is not around to help.

This was my mindset up until 6 months ago when I received the news at work that the contract we are working on will not be renewed and we will be out of a job March 2013. So for about 4 months I did not know what to do. Do I find a new job, do I wait it out hoping the decision would be reversed, do I go back to school. Knowing that it is a tough job market right now and I do not have "that" wanted degree I felt it was best to take this opportunity and go back to school.

Yes, this course is a requirement for the program I enrolled in, but I did choose this specific course to take. Since I will have a job for another 6-7 months I am not able to start my program until Fall of 2013. My husband and I decided it would be best for me to go back to school slowly and start working on my general ed courses. I chose this specific course because it will help me in my current position at work. If things do not go the way they are planned for me to start my program next fall I will be able to use the information learned for a lifetime.

The next question to answer would be what do I hope to learn from this course?  Although I face losing my job, I am up for a promotion.  My promotion would put me in a leadership role, so having effective communication skills is a must.  I am intrigued by chapter 7: Listening, Feedback and Critical Thinking.  In a leadership role you must have excellent listening skills along with giving and receiving feedback from your co-workers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer,

    Nice job! Thank you for the insight you provided on your work situation. All of the skills you will learn in this class will be very helpful for you in any position at work, especially in a leadership role.

    Kelly Soczka Kaiser, Communication Instructor
